Murat Germen

Türkçe sürüm

Murat Germen

E-mail :

Personal web page

Education :

B.A of Science in City Planning ,Technical University Of Istanbul,1983-1987; M.A. of Architecture,Massachusetts Institute Of Technology,1988-1992;

Work Experience :

Studio 14 Architecture / Doruk Pamir, 1987-1988; Gibbs & Vint Architects, 1992-1993; Construction Workshop, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology,1993; Design Studio & Construction Workshop,1993; Bilkent University ,1993-1994; Evo Design,1994-1995; Habitat II. Conference Exhibition Design,1996; Arredamento Dekorasyon - Magazine of Architecture, Art and Culture, 1995-1997; Forum Design Works (firm partner in charge),1997-2000; Department Of Architecture,Yeditepe University,2000-2001; Department Of Architecture,Yıldız Teknik University, 1999-; Department Of Visual Communication Design,Bilgi University ,1999 - ; Murat Germen DP (firm owner), 2000 - ;

Areas of Interest :

Art, Photography, Visual Communication Design, Multimedia Design, Interface Design, Architecture, New Media Theory

Awards :

  • Murat Germen TürkSMD (Türk Serbest Mimarlar Derneği) 15. Mimarlık Ödülleri'nde "Mimarlığa Katkı Ödülü"ne layık görüldü. - TürkSMD (Türk Serbest Mimarlar Derneği)  2022
  • Murat Germen was awarded the prize "Winner in Historic Interior" in the Architectural Photography Master Prize international competition - Architectural Photography Master Prize  2022
  • Your photo has been chosen as a winner of the Architecture Photography MasterPrize 2021 - Architecture Photography MasterPrize  2021
  • 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement - 8th International Color Awards  2015
  • 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement - 8th International Color Awards  2015
  • Two honorable mention awards in International Photography Awards (IPA), 2012 - International Photography Awards (IPA)  2012
  • 3 honorable mention awards (ARCHITECTURE : BUILDINGS PRO / ARCHITECTURE : HISTORIC PRO / FINE ART : PORTRAIT PRO categories) - International Photography Awards (IPA)  2011
  • 2 bronze awards - EPSON International Pano Awards  2010
  • Four honorable mention awards in International Photography Awards (IPA), 2009 - International Photography Awards (IPA)  2009
  • Honorable mentions - Prix de la Photographie, Paris (Px3) - Water competition  2009
  • 14 honorable mentions - International Photography Awards (IPA)  2008
  • IBM Faculty Award - IBM  2008
  • 2nd place and honorable mentions - International Photography Awards (IPA)  2007
  • Px3 / Prix de la Photographie Photo Competition - Px3 / Prix de la Photographie  2007
  • Caroun Photo Club First Annual Photography Exhibition, Tehran, Fall 2006. Second Prize, Winner of CAPA Golden Medal. - Caroun Photo Club  2006
  • Six honorable mention awards for seven photography series submitted to International Photography Awards 2006 (, a very well known and distinguished photography contest. - International Photography Awards (IPA)  2006
  • Four honorable mention awards for five photography series submitted to International Photography Awards (, a very well known and distinguished photography contest. - IPA / International Photography Awards  2005
  • Four honorable mention awards in International Photography Awards (IPA), 2005 - International Photography Awards (IPA)  2005
  • Two honorable mention awards for three photography series submitted to International Photography Awards 2004 (, a very well known and distinguished photography contest. - International Photography Awards (IPA)  2004
  • Two honorable mention awards in International Photography Awards (IPA) - International Photography Awards (IPA)  2004
  • Shortlisted entry for the UIA (International Union Of Architects) Logo Design Competition - UIA (International Union Of Architects)  2003
  • Lawrence B. Anderson Award for academic research to be completed by 2004 - M.I.T  2002
  • Honorable Mention in "Furniture '96" national design competition -  1996
  • Honorable Mention in II. Adobe Photoshop Digital Design Competition, 1996; -  1996
  • Honorable Mention in the Gallipoli Peace Park International Design Competition, 1996 -  1996
  • represented Turkey in 19th FIAP International Slide Biennial, -  1996
  • Honorable Mention in I. Adobe Photoshop Digital Design Competition -  1995
  • AIA Henry Adams Gold Medal - AIA  1992
  • Departmental Scholarships - Massachusetts Institute Of Technology  1990
  • Fulbright Scholarship - Fulbright Commission  1988

Membership :

International VR Photography Association (

Publications :

Germen, Murat (2011) "Aesthetics of serendipity: muta-morphosis", International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies (IJACDT), Vol.1, No.2, 25-37 (NA)
Germen, Murat (2010) "Using 2D photography as a 3D constructional tool within the metaverse", Metaverse Creativity, Vol.1, No.1, 35-50 (NA)
Book Section / Chapter
Germen, Murat, "Matris II / Yaşayan kültür rotaları ve bisiklet turları", Bezirhane'de Birikenler: Tasarımcıların Gözünden Kapadokya, İstanbul: ARGOS Kültür Sanat Yayınları, February 2020, 82-101
Ahunbay, Zeynep and Akay, Ali and Türkün, Asuman and Germen, Murat, "Kültür mirası ve komşuluk ilişkileri", Kültür Mirası ve Komşuluk İlişkileri, Tansel, Billur (ed.), İstanbul: Albatros Kitap, May 2018
Germen, Murat, "Subjectivity and inadvertence in computational art: muta-morphosis", Analyzing Art, Culture, and Design in the Digital Age, Mura, Gianluca (ed.), Hershey, PA, United States: IGI Global, October 2015, 143-158
Germen, Murat, "Photography as a tool of alienation: aura (Chapter 7)", Electronic Visualisation in Arts and Culture, Bowen, Jonathan P. and Keene, Suzanne and Ng, Kia (eds.), London, UK: Springer London 2013, 91-104
Germen, Murat, "Muta – Morphosis", Issues on Education and Research, Papanikos, Gregory T. (ed.), Athens, Greece: ATINER (Athens Institute for Education and Research) 2013, 73-86
Germen, Murat, "Sayısal baskıda renk sistemleri (ünite 1)", Sayısal Fotoğraf Baskı Teknikleri, Eryılmaz, Hüseyin (ed.), Eskişehir, Türkiye: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, November 2010, 2-21
Germen, Murat, "Sayısal görüntüleme I (ünite 2)", Sayısal Fotoğraf Baskı Teknikleri, Eryılmaz, Hüseyin (ed.), Eskişehir, Türkiye: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, November 2010, 30-52
Germen, Murat, "Sayısal görüntüleme II (ünite 3)", Sayısal Fotoğraf Baskı Teknikleri, Eryılmaz, Hüseyin (ed.), Eskişehir, Türkiye: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, November 2010, 62-81
Germen, Murat, "Sayısal fotoğrafta görüntü işlem (ünite 7)", Sayısal Fotoğraf Baskı Teknikleri, Eryılmaz, Hüseyin (ed.), Eskişehir, Türkiye: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, November 2010, 152-180
Germen, Murat, "Genel uyarılar (ünite 8)", Sayısal Fotoğraf Baskı Teknikleri, Eryılmaz, Hüseyin (ed.), Eskişehir, Türkiye: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, November 2010, 186-217
Ayiter, Elif and Balcısoy, Selim and Germen, Murat, "3 case studies: a hybrid educational strategy for ART/SCI collaborations", Arts and Technology: First International Conference, ArtsIT 2009, Yi-Lan, Taiwan, September 24-25, 2009, Revised Selected Papers, Huang, Fay and Wang, Reen-Cheng (eds.), Berlin: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2010, 223-230
Germen, Murat, "Content creation and propagation: tools for subjective hegemony", Subjectivity, Creativity, and the Institution, Crouch, Christopher (ed.), Boca Raton, Florida, USA: BrownWalker Press, October 2009, 251-264
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Germen, Murat, "Warfare outcome as a ground for destruction of heritage and real estate development", Arango, Julián Jaramillo and Bubarno, Andrés and Londoño, Felipe César and Mejía, G. Mauricio (eds.), ISEA2017 - 16th International Image Festival (Bio-Creation & Peace), Bogotá D.C, Colombia: Department of Visual Design, Universidad de Caldas, and ISEA International, June 2017, 327-334
Germen, Murat, "Alternative cityscape visualisation: drone shooting as a new dimension in urban photography", Bowen, Jonathan P. and Diprose, Graham and Lambert, Nick (eds.), Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2016), Suffolk, UK: The Lavenham Press Limited, July 2016, 150-157
Germen, Murat, "Keynote talk: from analog to digital, fictive vs. documentary: an ongoing journey", Brooks, Anthony Lewis and Ayiter, Elif and Yazıcıgil, Onur Fatih (eds.), 4th International Conference on Arts and Technology (ArtsIT), New York, United States: Springer, May 2015, 1-12
Germen, Murat, "Istanbul Gezi Park resistance movement as public engagement in the making of place", Hanan, I. I. H. and BudimanSyamwil, I. and Silver, C. and Wand, E. and Sabana, S. and Simatupang, T. M. and Widiastuti, I. and Langi, A. Z. R. (eds.), 5th Arte Polis International Conference and Workshop, Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, May 2015, 13-21
Germen, Murat, "The unstoppable rise of mobile imaging and aesthetics", Ng, K. and McDaid, S. and Bowen, Jonathan P. (eds.), EVA London 2014 Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, London: BCS (British Computer Society), July 2014, 301-308
Germen, Murat, "Subjectivity in contemporary visualization of reality: re-visiting Ottoman miniatures", Dunn, Stuart and Bowen, Jonathan and Ng, Kia (eds.), EVA London 2012, London, UK: BCS (British Computer Society), July 2012, 15-22
Germen, Murat and Kavlak, Ahmet Emrah, "Future users, future cities: dwellers as designers", Godoy, Villazon Rafael Enrique and Peña, José Tiberio Hernández and Llach, Daniel Cardoso and Agudelo, Leonardo Parra (eds.), SIGRADI 2010 - XIV Congress of The Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics. Disruption, Modeling and Construction: Changing Dialogues, Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) Faculty of Architecture and Design, November 2010, 294-297
Germen, Murat and Kavlak, Ahmet Emrah, "Future users, future cities: dweller as designer", eCAADe 2010 - 28th Conference Future Cities, Zurich, Switzerland: ETH (Eldgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich), September 2010, 57-64
Germen, Murat, "Photography as a tool of Alienation: Aura", Seal, Alan and Bowen, Jonathan and Ng, Kia (eds.), EVA London 2010, Swindon, UK: British Computer Society Publishing and Information Products, July 2010, 129-136
Germen, Murat, "Narrative motion on the two-dimensional plane: the “video-ization” of photography and characterization of reality", Haldane, Joseph (ed.), MediAsia 2010 - The Asian Conference on Media & Mass Communication, Japan: The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) 2010, 24-36
Ayiter, Elif and Balcısoy, Selim and Germen, Murat and Sakçak, Bulut and Özdöl, Fethi Mehmet, "The reflexive campus: a study of dynamic architecture in a virtual world", International Conference on CyberWorlds, 2009 (CW '09), USA: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), September 2009, 57-62
Germen, Murat, "Chronophotography", Deussen, O. and Hall, P. and Gibson, S. and Hushlak, G. and Shaw, J. (eds.), Computational Aesthetics 2009 - Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization amd Imaging, Germany: Eurographics Association 2009, 151-151
Engin, Billur Hatice and Çetinkaya, Mehveş and Ayiter, Elif and Germen, Murat and Balcısoy, Selim, "Maestro: design challenges for a group calendar", Information Visualisation, 2008. IV '08. 12th International Conference, London: IEEE, July 2008, 491-496
Germen, Murat, "Redesigning architecture through photography", Dunn, Stuart and Keene, Suzanne and Mallen, George and Bowen, Jonathan (eds.), EVA London 2008, Electronic Information, the Visual Arts and Beyond, London, UK: British Computer Society, July 2008, 95-106
Germen, Murat, "Inadvertent - Ars accidentalis", Brown, Paul and Cunningham, Douglas W. and Interrante, Victoria and McCormack, John (eds.), International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging (CAe 2008), Germany: Eurographics Association, June 2008, 1-8
Germen, Murat, "Reconfiguring architectural space through photography", Zreik, Khaldoun and Garcia, Everardo Reyes (eds.), Computer Art Congress 2008 / Emerging forms of computer art: making the digital sense, Paris, France: Europia Productions, March 2008, 125-134
Ayiter, Elif and Germen, Murat, "Looking aside: collective constructs, autarchic assemblage", Sedlak, Pavel (ed.), MutaMorphosis: Challenging Arts and Sciences, Prague: CIANT – International Centre for Art and New Technologies in Prague, November 2007
Germen, Murat, "Virtual architecture: reconstructing architecture through photography", Okeil, Ahmad and Al-Attili, Aghlab and Mallasi, Zaki (eds.), Em'body'ing Virtual Architecture, The Third International Conference of ASCAAD, 2007, Alexandria, Egypt: Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD), November 2007, 1-16
Ayiter, Elif and Balcısoy, Selim and Germen, Murat and Artut, Selçuk, "Propagating collaboration: an instructional methodology for artists and engineers", Schneiderman, Ben and Fischer, Gerhard and Giaccardi, Elissa and Eisenberg, Michael (eds.), 6th ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity & Cognition (C&C '07), New York, USA: ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), June 2007, 45-52
Ayiter, Elif and Balcısoy, Selim and Germen, Murat and Kaşarcı, İsmail and Türker, Uraz Cengiz and Çaylı, Merve, ""Space frames": using space, color and animation in the visualization of complex graph systems", 17th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2007), Washington, USA: IEEE Computer Society 2007, 286-287
Germen, Murat, "Kanyon reconstructed", ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Art Gallery / International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, New York, NY, USA: ACM Press 2007, 266-267
Germen, Murat, "Reading the space as an identity:", Siggraph 2006 Conceptual Investigation: Technology, Message, and Meaning, Siggraph 2006 Art Gallery, Boston: SIGGRAPH, September 2006, 1-1
Germen, Murat and Artut, Selçuk and Ayiter, Elif and Balcısoy, Selim and Sharir, Yacov, "The representation and navigation of complex data", Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe: 24th eCAADe Conference, Volos, Greece: University of Thessaly, September 2006, 711-720