Türkçe sürüm |
Selcuk ArtutE-mail : selcuk.artutsabanciuniv.edu Personal web page Education :
2013 European Graduate School, PhD Media Communications, Switzerland 2005 Middlesex University, MA Sonic Arts, London 1999 Koc University College of Arts and Sciences, BSc.Mathematics Work Experience :
2002- Faculty Member, Sabancı University FASS-VA/VCD 2000-2002 Teaching Assistant, Istanbul Bilgi University Mathematics and Computer Science Department 1999, 2000 Project Development Specialist, Hip Productions, Arnavutköy-Istanbul 1998 Research Assistant, Koç University, Istanbul Areas of Interest :
Sound Design, Digital Art, Multimedia, Interactive Design, Philosophy of Technology, Creativity and TechnologyAwards :
- IAS Open Programme: Ambiguous Standards Institute - Loughborough University 2021
- Erasmus+ KA107 Teaching Mobility - Erasmus 2019
- ADSDOT.NET - Hotlinks Award - 2006
- Mydesignaward - Site of the Week Website Award - 2006
- Stand Out - Website Award - SIYAD 2006
- En iyi film müziği (Replikas) Middlesex University Regional Award - Middlesex University 2005
Membership :
Musical Work Owners' Association of Turkey - MESAM, Association of Music Interpreters - MUYORBIRPublications :
Article |
Artut, Selçuk (2024) "İfadeyi sunmak: iletişim olarak sanatın dili", Varlık, 7-10 (NA) |
Artut, Selçuk (2023) "Live coding in music theater: a comprehensive technique? The case of Dumrul and the Grim reaper", Leonardo, Vol.56, No.2, 199-204 (AHCI) |
Artut, Selçuk (2022) "Metaverse kimin gerçeği?", Varlık, 15-20 (NA) |
Artut, Selçuk (2022) "The dialectic design processes of people and technology [İnsan ve teknoloji arasındaki diyalektik tasarım süreçleri]", Design Unlimited, Vol.12, 14-17 (NA) |
Artut, Selçuk (2019) "Yapay zeka olgusunun güncel sanat çalışmalarındaki açılımları", İnsan ve İnsan, Vol.6, No.22, 767-783 (NA) |
Artut, Selçuk (2019) "Using a machine learning algorithm to create a computational artwork: variable", Athens Journal of Humanities & Arts, Vol.6, No.3, 173-182 (NA) |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin (2019) "Developing interactions in augmented materiality: an enhancement method based on RGB-D segmentation", E-Journal of New Media, Vol.3, No.1, 45-56 (NA) |
Uncular, Deniz and Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin (2019) "Design of a robotic toy and user interfaces for autism spectrum disorder risk assessment", Uludag University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.20, No.36, 101-140 (NA) |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin (2018) "Makerspace or maker(-): making culture as an alternative society to mass consumption", International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences (IJSES), Vol.8, No.2, 52-55 (NA) |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin and Hasoğlu, Rezzan (2018) "Passing down cultural design heritage through craft objects of memoir", Sanat Tarihi Dergisi (Journal of Art History), Vol.27, No.2, 409-423 (NA) |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin (2018) "Yapıcı bir toplumsal davranış biçimi olarak 'kendi yapmak' ('Do it yourself'
as a constructive social behavior)", Design Unlimited, Vol.2, No.4 (NA) |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin (2018) "Müzisyenin teknoloji kullanımı ile boyut kazanan görsel ve işitsel performansı", Görünüm: Sanat, Tasarım ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Vol.3, No.4, 45-52 (NA) |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin (2017) "Addressing a future with data visualization on science fiction movies: dystopia or utopia", Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, Vol.7, No.4, 626-633 (ESCI) |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin (2017) "Incorporation of computational creativity in arts education: creative coding as an art course", SHS Web of Conferences, Vol.37 (CPCI-SSH) |
Book |
Artut, Selçuk, "Geometric patterns with creative coding: coding for the arts, New York, USA: Apress, July 2023 |
"Technological arts preservation, Artut, Selçuk and Karaman, Osman Serhat and Yılmaz, Cemal (eds.), Istanbul: Sabancı University Sakıp Sabancı Museum, June 2021 |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin, "Teknoloji-insan birlikteliği, İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, September 2014 |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin, "Data-Reality, New York: Atropos Press, September 2013 |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin, A/B: 11Şubat - 20 Mart 2010, İstanbul: Vehbi Koç Vakfı Amerikan Hastanesi Yayınları 2010 |
Book Section / Chapter |
Artut, Selçuk, "İnsan ve teknoloji birlikteliği ekseninde beliren diyalektik yaratıcılık kavramı", Dijital Dönüşümün Kültür ve Sanat Üzerindeki Yansımaları, Arslan, Canan (ed.), İstanbul: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler, April 2021 |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin and Engin, Barkın and Ünal, Aylin, "East [hyphen] west", East [hyphen] West, Gregory, Mat (ed.), England: Magda Stawarska-Beavan, November 2015 |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin and Güzererler, Ahmet, "SonicFields: an immersed sonic experience", The Visual and Performing Arts: An International Anthology, Arbury, Stephen Andrew (ed.), Athens, Greece: ATINER (Athens Institute for Education and Research) 2012, 307-314 |
Papers in Conference Proceedings |
Artut, Selçuk, "The art scene turning into an increasingly tech- and asset-driven world", Cirklová, Jitka (ed.), Prague - Heritages, AMPS Proceedings, April 2024, 154-160 |
Artut, Selçuk, "Cross-sections between geometric patterns of the past and the generative arts of today", Brooks, Anthony L. (ed.), 11th EAI International Conference on ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation, ArtsIT 2022, Springer Cham, April 2023, 591-602 |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin, "Futurism art and its significance to computational generative art", Soddu, Celestino and Colabella, Enrica (eds.), XXI Generative Art Conference 2018, Milan: Domus Argenia Publisher, December 2018, 337-345 |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin, "Using a machine learning algorithm to create a computational artwork: variable", 9th Annual International Conference on Visual and Performing Arts, Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research, June 2018 |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin, "Data visualizing popular science fiction movies with use of circular hierarchical edge bundling", Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts (EVA 2017), ITMO University, June 2017, 55-58 |
Artut, Hüseyin Selçuk, "Live coding for incorporating self-expression", International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities "Challenges: From Diversity to Synergy" (ICSSH 2016), Skopje: International Balkan University, November 2016 |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin, "Augmented sculptures: what you see is not what you see", Brooks, Anthony Lewis and Ayiter, Elif and Yazıcıgil, Onur (eds.), 4th International Conference on Arts and Technology (ArtsIT), New York: Springer International Publishing, July 2015, 144-152 |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin, "Enabling the children with cerebral palsy to interact", 3rd International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design, Istanbul, Turkey: Anadolu University, Institute of Communication Sciences, April 2014, 66-76 |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin, "Amarok Pikap: interactive percussion playing automobile", Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2013 (SMAC) & Sound and Music Computing Conference 2013 (SMC), Stockholm, Sweden: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, July 2013 |
Artut, Selçuk Hüseyin and Ocalan, Cem, "NewsPaperBox – Online News Space: a visual model for representing the social space of a website", The 3rd International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2009, USA: IIIS - IMSCI, July 2009 |
Ayiter, Elif and Balcısoy, Selim and Germen, Murat and Artut, Selçuk, "Propagating collaboration: an instructional methodology for artists and engineers", Schneiderman, Ben and Fischer, Gerhard and Giaccardi, Elissa and Eisenberg, Michael (eds.), 6th ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity & Cognition (C&C '07), New York, USA: ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), June 2007, 45-52 |
Germen, Murat and Artut, Selçuk and Ayiter, Elif and Balcısoy, Selim and Sharir, Yacov, "The representation and navigation of complex data", Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe: 24th eCAADe Conference, Volos, Greece: University of Thessaly, September 2006, 711-720 | Before SU Publications:
Papers in Conference Proceedings Artut, Selçuk , "Amarok Pikap – Percussion Playing Truck ", SMC Sound and Music Computing Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013 Artut, Selçuk and Ocalan, Cem, "NewsPaperBox – Online News Space: a visual model for representing the social space of a website ", The 3rd International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2009, USA: IIIS - IMSCI, July 2009 Ayiter, Elif and Balcısoy, Selim and Germen, Murat and Artut, Selçuk, "Propagating collaboration: An instructional methodology for artists and engineers", Schneiderman, B and Fischer, B and Giaccardi, E and Eisenberg, B (eds.), CC2007: Seeding Creativity: Tools, Media and Environments, Washington, DC, USA : ACM Press, June 2007, 45-52 Germen, Murat and Artut, Selçuk and Ayiter, Elif and Balcısoy, Selim and Sharir, Yacov, "The representation and navigation of complex data" Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe: 24th eCAADe Conference, Volos, Greece: University of Thessaly, September 2006, 711-720 Artut, Selçuk, ‘Enabling the Children with Cerebral Palsy to Interact’, International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design, Istanbul, TR 2014
Papers in Academic Journals Artut, Selçuk and Ocalan, Cem, "NewsPaperBox – Online News Space: a visual model for representing the social space of a website ", The Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume 8 – Number 1 Year 2010 ISSN: 1690-4524
Books Teknoloji-İnsan Birlikteliği by Selçuk ARTUT, Ayrıntı Yayıncılık ISBN : 9789755399379, [2014] (in Turkish) Data-Reality by Selçuk ARTUT, Atropos Press ISBN : 098942846X, [2013] (available on Amazon.com) Forever / Sonsuza by Selçuk ARTUT, CDAProjects Artist Book [2011] A/B by Selcuk ARTUT, American Hospital Publications, ISBN : 978-975-6523-20-9 [2010]
Book Chapters Artut, Selçuk and Güzererler, Ahmet, “Sonicfields : An Immersed Sonic Experience” : The Visual and Performing Arts: An International Anthology: Volume II Edited by Stephen Andrew Arbury, ATINER 2012 Artut, Selçuk, “Augmented Sculptures: What You See is not What You See” : Arts and Technology: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Springer International Publishing, 2015
Music Releases
EP No1 - 2013 Ada Müzik
Biz Burada Yok İken - 2012 Ada Müzik
Zerre - 2008 Peyote Müzik
FM - 2006 Rh Pozitif
Avaz - 2005 Doublemoon
Dadaruhi - 2002 Ada Müzik
Köledoyuran - 2000 Ada Müzik |