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AR 609 Organizational Learning and Action Research
This course examines how individual and organizational learning lead to knowledge creation as well as examining the processes and structures for forming learning organizations. A theory of action, action science, and action learning perspectives will be provided so that students understand, appreciate and engage in the constructive and action to remove the inhibitors and to embrace facilitators. The course will start with the neural aspects of individual learning, i.e.,how humans learn and make decisions based on their learnings and vice versa; that is to say, how they learn as they make decisions and/or act. The role of exploitation and exploration in learning will also be covered at this part. Laws of thermodynamics and evolution, biases associated with human decision- making, evidence from neuroscience, techniques and methodologies developed by operations research and decision sciences are all going to provide a comprehensive framework to understand why utilizing both of them (i.e., exploitation and exploration) hand in hand, is the key for resilience, agility, flexibility, individual happiness and in a sense success. The course operates at several levels: taking account of the extensive literature on organizational and action learning, supporting the individual action research projects of the students, and reflecting on the experience of the Transformation Project, which operates over the four years of the program.
SU Credits : 3.000
ECTS Credit : 12.000
Prerequisite : -
Corequisite : -