Ahmet Demirelli

Türkçe sürüm

Ahmet Demirelli

E-mail : ahmet.demirellisabanciuniv.edu

Areas of Interest :

Enterprise Software, Big data

Publications :

Papers in Conference Proceedings
İrdesel, İlter and Ertek, Gurdal and Demirelli, Ahmet and Kailas, Lakshmi and Lekesiz, Ahmet and Shuvo, Riaz Uddin, "Development of a web-based strategic management expert system using knowledge graphs", Yang, Xin-She and Sherratt, R. Simon and Dey, Nilanjan and Joshi, Amit (eds.), 8th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, ICICT 2023, Springer, July 2023, 593-605